Defungi 50mg

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৳7.28 ৳8.00 /pc -9%
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Defungi belongs to a group of medicines called antifungals. It works by stopping the growth of fungus and is used to treat infections of the mouth, throat, vagina and other parts of the body including fingernails and toenails. It kills fungi by destroying the fungal cell membrane. Defungi should be taken in the dose and duration as prescribed by your doctor. It should be swallowed whole and can be taken with or without food. The dosage and length of treatment will depend on the condition you are being treated for. Sometimes this will be in cycles of use and non-use. To get the most benefit, take this medicine at evenly spaced times and continue using it until your prescription is finished, even if your symptoms disappear after a few days. If you stop treatment too early, the infection may return and if you miss doses you can increase your risk of infections that are resistant to further treatment. Tell your doctor if the infection does not get better or if it gets worse. Avoid taking antacid treatments within one hour before or two hours after you take it. The most common side effects of this medicine include stomach pain, headache and feeling sick (nausea). You could ask your doctor about ways of preventing or reducing these effects. You should stop taking it straight away if you have any signs of an allergic reaction or of congestive heart failure. Signs of this include rash, swelling of the lips, throat or face, swallowing or breathing problems, feeling dizzy or faint and nausea. Do not take it if you are pregnant or could become pregnant unless your doctor has told you to. Talk to your doctor before taking it if you have ever had heart failure, a weak immune system (including HIV/AIDS), kidney problems or liver problems such as yellow skin (jaundice). This medicine may not be suitable for you. If your course of treatment is for more than a month, your doctor may want to check your liver by testing your blood. This medicine may make you dizzy or have blurred vision so do not drive or operate machines until it is safe.

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